
The real money is in the Chrysler TC by Maserati.

The “good” news for most of us is that auto loans are very rarely securitized, at least compared to mortgages. Nobody ever mistakenly believed in cars as a long-term investment upon which we could build an economy. They’ve always been crappy deals, to varying degrees. There’s no hope for appreciation like there is

Every day I’m hustling. Every. Single. Day.

Yeah he should just make videos for free and starve. Fuck him!

It’s better and somehow still also worse than you think.

It’s better and somehow still also worse than you think.

Who ever made this “informative” video needs to quit their day job immediately.

Who ever made this “informative” video needs to quit their day job immediately.

This cracks me up too. It seems like so much went into this car, the fanboys are obsessed, the price is outrageous... and yet, a Camaro that these guys all turn their noses up to, can outrun it. Not only that, but the Camaro will also be more tolerable on everyday roads.

Hell, it might get beat by a Vette Grand Sport.

Shhhhshhhh..... It’s European.

Yep, these guys were part of Corsa Rally. None of them know how to drive, but us yokels in Tennessee sure do appreciate their charity, *eyeroll*.

Haha likewise. It’s been in my daily vernacular ever since. And as a software developer, I get to use it a lot!


Amirite, ladies?

did your parents not love you enough?

Takeaway - it’s a joke if played on your mate, played on a teenage snowflake (especially if said snowflake is female) it becomes abuse of some sort.   Yup, I get it, equality doesn’t actually mean equality does it?

I agree 100% with your comment. The girl of the video could’ve been a boy and still the same thing.

After all the shit they’ve pulled, there’s no way I would consider buying an SNES Classic (and I had been totally looking forward to buying one). I will probably buy a raspberry-pi powered emulator. I grew up as a huge Nintendo fanboy and I’m beyond done with this stupid company.

Rather, I think they’re scared that the existence of the NES classic is going to somehow cannibalize Virtual Console (and maybe even Switch hardware) sales. Which is ludicrous, of course, but that’s Nintendo! 

Send lawyers, guns and money - the shit has hit the fan..

Thats barely enough to merge on my daily commute.