
You really have to credit Philo Farnsworth with the invention TV.

Nein, nein, nein.

What are you doing have a kid with a woman you’re not married to? That’s just stupid. Are you familiar with how humans reproduce?

That car has near infinite Jalopocity.

I know, but putting an LS in a Ford is an assault on human dignity.

Yeah but nowadays, a 5.0 Fox is would get stomped by a 4 cylinder Camry. If you going to resto mod, you can easily put in a hot SBC or with a little work an LS.

You know, for the life of me, I don’t understand why the Fox Mustangs get all the love over the 3rd gen Camaros. I think they look fantastic.

Just yesterday, the smartest and most sagacious human ever to hold elected office in recorded history told us:

Outside of democrat enclaves, America is as safe as anywhere in Europe.

Outside of democratic enclaves, America is safe or safer than anywhere in Europe.

Automatics make me sad.

That looks like oak tree turn at VIR

Navy Squadron liveries ranked.

Your point is MOOT! Who in their right mind would prefer a turbo 6 to a flat crank 5.2, 500 hp V8?

I hope this means WSBK will be show on a network people of heard of.

The goal of socialism is communism.

And you’ll get parked over by the porto-potties at the Ferrari meet.

When we had a little guy, I traded in my 2001 S2000 for a 2012 Boss 302. What’s a Passat doing for you that the MS3 didn’t?

Ok, now I need a trophy truck.

South Korea is a very wealthy country of 50M people (2x that of NK). I’m having a difficult time understanding why it is they need American troops,money and equipment to defend themselves.