
I’d like to see National Parks on money. Yosemite could be the $20, Yellowstone could be the $100, and the Grand Canyon could be the $10. Joshua Tree could be the $5 and Sequoia could be the $1.

Made up things can be everywhere and nowhere.

it should be the $7.8 bill

Seriously, relegated to the back in the equivalent of a group diversity photo. Fuck that shit.

Did he actually kill a little boy when driving drunk? Did he go to jail for it? That’s kind of a fucking horrible crime to mention in passing. I hate when films and television fail to take things like this seriously.

As long as we leave the 35-year-old women sitting quietly in the side rows alone, at least when the movie is made by Pixar. I don’t really want to borrow a friend’s kids to watch Inside Out.

Agreed. I feel the same way about bars. Keep your goddamn kids out of my R rated movies and out of my bars. When I saw Deadpool, there were so many kids “oooooohing” and “aaahing” and “did you see that? his head flew off-ing.” Goddamn annoying.

Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.

Can we ban teenagers from walking in packs during daylight and night time hours?!

He says what everyone wants to hear without realistic plans to implement them. So when he actually has a chance to implement something progressive, like equal pay and positions for men and women, why would he expect supporters to pay attention to the details when he doesn’t need to?

Jesus, seriously. He fucking ruined her life. I can’t fathom how a teenaged girl could ever recover from having this done to her. Fuck him. May he never have another peaceful moment in his pathetic life. Fuck him. Fuck. Him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck

Trump supporters gladly surrendering their second amendment rights...

Trump believes cats can play the piano! He's seen it on the Internet.

It is utterly terrifying that his man is leading so far ahead in the republican primaries. He lies at every turn, makes threats against other candidates, and frequently claims ignorance about subjects that are either flat out lies or things that are inconvenient to admit because they might offend some of his

As an identical twin, it annoyed me purely because they seem to be playing up to the stereotypes that are expected of twins - it wears thin after getting the 8,000th time of people asking “do you finish each other’s sentences”, “do you feel each other’s pain”, “can you read each other’s mind” and the gross “twins...

Um, really? You’d think that drug addicts would be happy as long as they just had social tolerance and access to their drugs? If that’s the case, why in God’s name should anyone frown on drug addiction?

I’d much rather him pop up everywhere and be a celebrity for being an astrophysicist and you know, actually doing something with his life rather than seeing more coverage of the Kardashians.

It’s rough always trying to combat sexism and gender norms. As a black woman, and especially one who grew up in a majority white town, I’ve done the same thing in terms of racism. It made me feel isolated a lot of the time, and I wish I had a more open relationship with my parents so I could have talked to them about

To me, pancakes happen at a spiritual level.

Since when does standing up for women’s issues make you a liberal? I would think it makes you human.