
For all the dead ppl

Taylor Kitsch too, presumably as part of his years-long effort to bury John Carter of Mars deep in the sands of, uh, Mars.

Yeah, I hear ya, but him actually having copies of the money orders is nice. Without much in the way of physical evidence it's been easy for Cosby to play to our culture's ideas about people being willing to say just about anything for a chance at a quick buck.

When asked why he was only speaking out now, Scotti says he "felt sorry for the women" who have recently come forward with sexual assault allegations against the comedian. (Sounds like those women probably would have appreciated that outspoken pity in 1990, but, HEY, better late than never.)


It terrifies me that people who are scared and not careful are the ones who are buying up guns in St Louis and the surrounding areas.

"using information like … responsiveness (how often you respond to matches) …"

Good e'en, milady. Perchance thou mighest desire to put my scabbard betwixt thine lips?

The fact that she didn't list a Kardashian or Taylor Swift means you've done your job as a father

I grew up with a woman whose first born is during 10 years in the stony lonesome for hitting and killing a man while she was driving drunk. Whenever her or her family posts on Facebook about the injustice of her doing "so much time," I just click off. What is there to say? She was drunk and killed someone.

yeah, so cool, she could have killed someone, destroying a life, destroying a family - so cool. i hope they take away her license permanently and throw her in jail for a while. drunk drivers are assholes. 1 time is 1 time too many. You're old enough to drive, you're old enough to know not to drink and drive.

Not to get all srs fucking business over here, but I got hit by a drunk driver when I was 20. I now have chronic, seemingly permanent (after 10 years), pain. So uh, fuck this bitch. It should be fashionable to not be a total asshole.

What else did Karl Lagerfield do in Riverdale?

"My future's so bright I gotta wear shades" clearly wasn't an option.

Yay this is great this already exists! I love this team! (Now dont let me down ;) )