
I love the cake analogy! I've had "bi-racial" friends and boyfriend and when they referred to themselves as bi-racial or multiracial, I would tease them by asking if they have homo-Neanderthal ancestors, because otherwise they're just as homo-sapian as I am.

Ah, "The Octaroon"! Yeah, I'm from New Orleans and those labels were in use here for a very long time. It is sick. It's terrible to judge someone's worth based on how many African or European or Asian ancestors they had. The "rules" regarding race never did make sense. They were always impossible to apply accurately.

Actually, that is what it was based on. This isn't stuff that's hard to find out. It didn't originally define nations and ethnicity. You're simply making up stuff at this point. European folks classified people into groups based on the bogus concept that looking at someone could tell you who they were related to the

Sorry, I made a sarcastic inside joke.

The author says right in the article how sick she is of being forced into one or another category and then you just...this

You ever hear of the one drop rule? White people invented it and your comment is the prime example.

That's really messed up that you don't respect your fiance in the way that she defines herself.

Why do white people insist on calling us that? After all, it is White people who came up with these stupid concepts called "race" and blood quantums. Blood quantum is how this whole 1/2 this or 1/2 that started. They are the ones who refused to acknowledge any identity as valid unless it met their approved list of

Are there any other biracial Jezzies that look white? I'm one of those people, I have pale skin and red hair so nobody would ever know that I'm mixed. It's frustrating for me, and I've felt a lot of identity conflict over it in the past. Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this in their life!

Hello. This is a feminist site. The "mutts" controversy aside (you're wrong), commenting on an article that had NOTHING TO DO with physical attractiveness (except to point out that biracial people are frequently fetishized, which, whoops! you did in your comment) by saying, "hey, I'm down with the biracials! they



That commercial is adorable and that little girl is criminally cute.

Q: What are you?

UGH, yes, I can't stand the "what are you" question!

The discomfort comes from that bi-racial people feel as if they are being fetishized or exotic-fied.

That might be the most technically perfect GIF ever, with NO discernible jump!

The New York Times, ladies and gentleman. All the news that's fit to primp.

STAMOS! You need to fix this!

I think you somewhat missed her point. Not to mention, the things you suggest... just... Wow.