
Hllo?! How about Robert Durst for best actor in a miniseries?

I’m mixed too and also think I can tell, but it’s not like I ask people on the street, so I’m just assuming I’m right.

I call it “signalling.” Rich people - no, ALL classes of people - signal to each other that they “get it.” Laboutins are the most obvious example, but there are tons of brands without ostentatious logos that only those who also know those brands will notice.

That graphic looks like a template for a pregnancy announcement. His marketing team should be fired.

i'd say that's pretty consistent with jezzie values

if memes are wrong i don't want to be right

Where is the internal memo explaining this to the staff that actually has to carry it out?!?! Like, are there parameters? Suggested scripts? COME ON, JOURNALISTS.

The worst was when I went to Africa and all the restaurant staffs were black and all the customers were white. Except the head chefs, which were imported from South Africa. It made me nauseous to realize that nowhere in the world do black people get to be on top.

This is why I don't date.

I love "Paradox of Choice" and found it really helpful. It's important to point out that he suggest satisficing for non-important things like breakfast and sweaters in order to free up decision bandwidth for things that really matter like careers and partners. I've seen his advice twisted to be about everything, and

I hope we can all agree that Godin tends to exaggerate.

I absolutely love this book, to the point of recommending it in my own book and sending fan mail to the author. I found the chapter on Momento Mori most useful - happiness (or at least mindfulness) through remembering the preciousness/fleetingness of life.

Since this is Jezebel, a progressive women's site, shouldn't this series be called "My partner hates me because..."?

I hope some of that money goes toward eardrum rehabilitation for the poor jurors that had to listen to Blurred Lines over and over and over while the rest of us got to leave it in 2013 where it belongs.

Ugh. (inhales deeply) Men taking care of their children isn't babysitting, it's PARENTING.

Now when people Google their names to find their wedding registry, this will come up in the results. Yeah, grandiose proposals are annoying, but not sure the punishment fits the crime.

This reminds me of when I was an 8th grade back to school mannequin model at the mall.*

comic sans ftw

I've yet to hear one person who is not a tenured professor defend tenure.

I'm more disturbed that the ground has become legal ad space. What. Fucking. Next.