Asking to sub anything in a top restaurant is like going to the Met and demanding they replace a gallery's Degas with a fucking Anne Geddes poster.
Asking to sub anything in a top restaurant is like going to the Met and demanding they replace a gallery's Degas with a fucking Anne Geddes poster.
Shakespeare threw major shade.
Unless it's Alice Walton, because her sleep should cost far more than $20k.
I know this is NOT the point, but can we talk about how insanely fabulous her outfit is in the Vanity Fair photo?!
Can we hang out? Wait, can I come to Christmas at your house?!
Denton! Hire Dave Hogan immediately!
Aaron Sorkin also writing for Slate.…
tl;dr - busy polishing my tiara. that's all.
Melissa is zero bullshit, love that woman. Recognize.
How about the players themselves speaking out against it until something happens? Seems more likely to spur a groundswell and motivate the masses.
Well, it just makes logical sense that more attractive people would be drawn to an app where looks matter most.
And I've found in my dating life that the guys who worry about those superficial chivalrous acts end up being the biggest jerks about the stuff that really matters.
SH fills me with so much rage that I can't type his full name out, nor could I finish reading this full essay. Why, WHY would you give money to this misogynist?? Seriously, making campaign donations to white conservative Republican men would probably be less harmful in spreading these disgusting and dangerous messages…
Am I the only one who thinks it's more shitty than funny to list the full names of the 8th grade classmates?
I'll bet you 80k they'll be out of business within the year.
PLEASE do not shop at Victoria's Secret. The ads are reason enough, but their product is ill-fitting shit that rips off other designers. They are the Forever21 of lingerie but not even that cheap. You can get much better quality and design shopping the good brands at discount places like Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx,…
"Women of the Year" cover model not Woman of the Year, just clarifying.
1. It is dangerous. For the kid, for the workers, for the guests. If you've ever waited tables you know that strollers and wandering kids are obstacles when people are rushing through narrow aisles to deliver hot food to impatient *paying* customers. My sister, a mom, visited me in Brooklyn from Portland (yes it turns…
they have a way of shutting it down