
Yes! And wrote a book about it to let people know the grass can definitely be greener.

It's funny you say that re non-black people have no idea - I saw it when it came out, in the theater I think and definitely with friends, when I lived in a totally white area and only had white (some Asian) friends, so it never occurred to me that white people hadn't seen it. I assumed it was a transcending-boundaries

Oh my god, I still quote both those lines! Explained COORDINATE to a boutique full of gay men only last weekend...

Reinking is PURE MAGIC.

Splatterfilm: Doing it right.

And please let's not forget mental and emotional states. See: research showing that immediate gratification trumps long-term planning when one's circumstances are stretched or dire. So the presence of healthy foods/opportunities simply don't matter or register in light of lack of time, money, help, energy.


Yes, it is the style. I appreciate it. Like a Mamet play... or Disney live action sitcom.

After reading the NYT article I downloaded Lulu and gave nice reviews to all my friends. Good deed of the day, on lock!

I love everything about this. Anna (A-Win?) is more gangster, hustler, mafiosa, baller than most people in most industries, by the standards of hip hop lyrics. Big Pimpin, Spendin V's!

Nah, all my peeps who have worked with him make it sound like he's rage-y and not chill at all.

Just want to shout out the amazing scene in last week's Scandal which perfectly summarized the seemingly harmless ways sexism is still rampant: http://www.hulu.com/watch/555952

I once argued with a dude I was seeing about the book he wanted to write for people in his career sector warning them not to go into an oversaturated market. I told him it had to be in a positive tone or no one would read it. We never talked again. Three years later, I published that book.

I think the length is right, it would just look more proportionate with heels.


I love this, great food for thought. Thank you for your response!

I've noticed that the best/most effective salespeople I know are very charming, attractive, easygoing, magnetic, confident. Do you think the messenger is as or more important as the message?

Word. But network shows are not designed to accurately portray history, they're designed to sell products.

Thanks! Will do... I think that's the one where the band is too big around... S/M/L ain't cutting it (except when they do, ugh).

Thanks for the tit! I mean tip!