
That is AWFUL. Seriously. I have never understood why people can't RSVP.

brilliant. off topic but i can't resist: if we hit 40 and don't have/want kids can we also take a work leave to pursue other personal life dreams? (crouches, hides head from tomato throwers)

Yes I HAVE to see a breakdown of that $5k!

I have never understood the logic of dictating what someone wear only once AND making them purchase it.

I cannot tell you how exciting it is to see a black woman's body is in a swimsuit ad. We NEVER SEE THIS, especially in a mainstream brand. Yes, Beyonce is fit as f*ck, but it's an extremely different body shape than the typical SI/VS. Also, she's 30+. More of this please.

I was agreeing with the "why hate"rs but then I found this:

Seriously, and anyone with a problem that I'm wearing it to Trader Joe's can just [does Bey head shaky movement, turns, walks away to the beat].

JCP still costs the same.

My strategy is to just be really scary and intimidating so no one has the balls/ovaries (ha! Relevance) to question me, ever. Works great!

THIS!!!! My friend who works for a major brand used to let me help her name colors and one day I was like - why don't you guys call these "CEO" or "Corner Office"? I would buy those no matter what the color was. And she just stared at me blankly.

Lifehacker, are you in my house? Been trying to figure out all weekend what's going wrong - is it oil I'm using, new pan, or my terrible cooking abilities? Good to know it's a combo of 1 and 3.


Ugh, the crapness. I hope you find love beyond your wildest dreams.

Comment win. Culture loss.

"Fashion, go home, you're drunk."

I heart you for your local politics knowledge. My cause is getting NYers to actually pay attention and vote, especially in the primaries. I rant this every fall.

*does not apply to Cheez-Its.

I'm sorry - that sucks.