
Excellent point.

I'll be the first to admit that when I was a server in NYC we had stereotypes about nearly every group - race, age, sex, orientation - nothing sacred. What they would tip, what they'd order, how high maintenance they'd be.

Compliment for commenters redacted, because this awesome discussion devolved to name calling. Sigh. Some great points made up top though.

Agreed on all points.

that's terrible.

Word. It's not that hard, actually. It's been a decade, but I can still mostly eye someone and call their bra size. Party tricks!

Yes. This.

Hmm, also - what to define as "supportive." In my dating bubble, "supportive" seems to mean "won't do anything to change anything about my current lifestyle, preferences, etc." As in, here is my whole life plan, do you fit into the lady-shaped box?

Former Nordstrom bra fitter! We rule! :)

I'm always baffled that the hunters don't seem to get that granite countertops can be installed once you, you know, own a home.

Fair arguments - thanks for expanding the discussion - but my point is more that it's part of the wider American style of thinking - get the money, ignore likely repercussions, etc

Plus, how many parents in this congregation will follow this wonderful example set by their leader?

Not true; the former pastor of my mom's megachurch was a pretty decent guy. There are good CEOs of major corporations, same thing.

There are few things I hate more than prosperity preaching. I blame the mortgage crisis/economic collapse just as much on people who say "God wants you to have a mansion!" as I do on big banks. I've read the Bible, I went to a Bible college, I don't think God gives a shit whether each individual person is a


As a PR person: 1) why not name the firms in this article, and 2) $5K is a bargain basement price for that kind of PR.

My single parent automatic response is "Holy shit, I have no idea how you do that" - is that not ok?

I'm dying to know how she got through the qualification process in the first place??

Don't undermine yourself! Both can be learned. Self-awareness is the most important factor, which you seem to have!