
Ah, I've went twice and they never played a Link's Awakening suite! I'm so jealous. At least they played Ballad of the Wind Fish the first time. It's my favorite.

Popular Hits of the Showa Era is a sort of encyclopedia of inventive murder.

Yes, the flute is wonderful! The whole song just strikes the perfect balance of melancholy and hopeful. It sets the tone so well.

Awakening's a good one. Anything that incorporates Terra's Theme is, in my opinion. It's probably one of my favorites in the series.

My vote still goes to FFVI, but I always preferred Searching For Friends. I know it's not exclusive to the airship, but it's not like I was traversing that hellscape on foot anyway.

As a kid playing Pokemon Silver, I had an ungodly fixation on the Lucky Numbers Show. I'd go into the menu and switch it on whenever I entered a new area, even if I knew I'd only have to do it again in like fifteen seconds.

Honey and Clover, hands down.

Tiger Millionaire was definitely the turning point for me. It only gets better from there, I believe.

All I expected going in was to see Colbert—a performer who is absolutely joyous to watch and whom I honestly love—lighting up my screen again. And in that respect, it delivered in spades. I was just so happy to see him, certain regrettable consequences and all.

Yeah, they always struck me as being along the same line as nendoroids, except mildly horrifying.

There's a scene in Kawabata Yasunari's Snow Country in which the protagonist is on a train returning home. He sees two other passengers who appear quite happy together, and assumes they're traveling partners. But then one gets off the train, remarking that it was nice to have met the other.

Thanks for sharing your experiences! I probably should just join up somewhere again already. I've been doing light step aerobics in my apartment, but it's really not an ideal environment.

I didn't think of that. It looks like there's one in the West Loop. Maybe I'll check it out.

Ah, yeah, I wish I would have seen your response before I typed out mine. That's basically it. I've lived my whole life with people making me feel deficient, and as much as I try to convince myself that people don't care, it's hard.

That's a good idea! I'm pretty much nocturnal, so I should look into it.

That's encouraging to hear, honestly, and I usually try to tell myself as much! It's definitely more my problem than it is that of the other, fit people, for sure. I went through puberty at seven and chubbed out a little as a result, and so have been being dehumanized as a result of my weight and body (read:

I'm a young woman, but if someone were to open a gym only for fat people, I'd be the first to sign up. I'm riding a delicate balance with my self-hatred, and seeing a bunch of pretty, confident people while I'm working out is enough to tip it over from "productive" to "crippling."

Titus Andronicus - "Dimed Out"

Yeah, but keep it quiet. My mom doesn't know I'm using the internet.

I'm going to betray my age here, but this was the first album I ever bought myself. Marched right into the fye, mother trailing fussily at my heels, counted out the exact change, and read the cd booklet the whole way home.