
Yeah, the cupcakes are possibly the most overhyped things I've ever bought. It's all about the banana pudding.

If I'm feeling especially dirty, I listen to Dancing Mad.

The orchestration of Jenova from distant worlds is one of my favorite things. Probably on about 80% of my shower playlists.

Right? The narration was just saying a lot of nothing. It would have been a lot stronger with just the imagery.

Ah, another victim of the I-80 Fed-Ex convoy! My parents do the NJ-to-Chicago trip about once a year to visit me (my dad's scared of flying), and they got run off the road by one once…

Of the mildly problematic ones, I liked…Silver Linings Playbook? But I think I might be especially hard to please since I have OCD, which is probably the mental illness most trivialized by popular culture.

I finally went in October, and it was wonderful. He sang We'll Meet Again with us, too! Now I'm starting to wonder if he does it with everyone…

"Last week we told you about berry seed milk. It's just jam."

She wrote the Milk Advisory Board? *crush intensifies*

I really hate when CG is incorporated into more traditionally animated shows. I understand why it's done, and I'm sure it can be done well (I would give examples, but I guess just by the virtue of it being done well I wouldn't have noticed the CG), but whenever I see any really blatant CG it really takes me out of the

A missing arc, that's perfect! That's exactly my point! We glossed over how their friendship was built, and I can really feel the absence of that development every time we're supposed to watch them being best friends on screen.

I don't think I ever said that there's no way the relationship could develop. They're two adult characters with what we're told is a strong relationship. If Korra and Asami end up together, then I would be 100% fine with it. They would probably be really cute together. (Which is probably why people started shipping it

I have to agree. I'm a bi woman, and as much as I would love for there to be a viable girl/girl relationship here, I just don't see it. I mean, I saw the tease in this episode, and even the idea that Korra herself could potentially be a queer character, but chemistry wise, I just don't see it. The only time they came

I didn't know I wanted to see that until this very moment.

I love, love that scene. The juxtaposition with the mover? The systematic way he took down each goon? Too good.

Right? There's something really satisfying about seeing him excel at lavabending so much.

Not gonna lie, I find its raw destructive capabilities highly attractive.

Wuko trash checking in!

Hey, strange upbringing buddies! High five!

My dad was really sick when I started playing KH2. He had a brain tumor and would lash out at me for strange reasons. Above all, he hated when I played games. So I would sneak out to the living room early in the morning to play. Put my headphones in the tv and sit diagonal from the screen and play for a half hour