Lord Voldemorgan

I like Dean. His “once you go Black...” statement was idiotic, though.

I will watch this show no matter who the lead is, but it is infinitely more entertaining to watch someone who has more to say than, “I’m not sure if he’s here for the right reasons” or “I want the fairy tale romance.” Rachel has actual things to say and this episode proved it. Outside of the race issue, let’s hope

My peak joyful moment of last nights episode was when Ashton Kutcher refused to engage in a waboom with Lucas. When even fucking Ashton Kutcher, who built his career yelling in trucker hats, thinks you’re too extra, you are probably too freakin extra.

That’s how you lose a hand.

It’s not because she’s a woman that she had to practice not being intimidated by her opposition. It’s because she was debating a bully that he had to practice not being intimidated by him.

Wasn’t there an article last week about KP making “purposeful pop” and not responding to Bad Blood?

I stuck it out for about three episodes before also declaring it unwatchable. I knew I was probably going to have some issues with it because I’m a survivor of suicide loss, but everything from the story to the actors to weird production choices (I mean, for the love of God, cassettes? Tatted up kids?) got me to tap

Never, EVER forget that the most important thing you can be as a woman is beautiful.

All the bottles are still white, tho.

Rob Schwartzman, the romantic lead from Princess Diaries and lead singer of actual band Rooney, came to Oklahoma for some reason and ate dinner at the restaurant where I was a hostess. I was not working that night, but my roommates were, so sometimes I tell the story as if I was there. :(

Frozen 2: The Flagpole

Her wherever.

My husband was shocked when I told him I couldn’t even count the number of times I had been groped by men at parties, bars, etc. I assured him that if he asked any of my girl friends they would have similar stories. Sure enough, he asked my sister in law and she confirmed that she, too, had been groped a number of

I once had the exact same conversation with my husband - “you are a 6'2 ex soldier, no one is going to bother you!” - and he was equally taken back. It seemed to really sink in though, and I think the key thing is to keep explaining these things. Tell our guy friends/boyfriends/husbands every time someone is a creep.

She was obviously very busy tweeting Frederick Douglass to ask him why he didn’t show up to this important meeting of black educators. He’s doing such fine work, he would have been an asset to the group.

Find yourself someone who looks at you like Lin Manuel Miranda looks at everybody.

About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a

I was seeing one of my longtime best guy friends (whom I'd kissed a couple times over the course of our friendship, but had just started, like, being with in any more significant capacity). He told me that he loved me quickly. The whole thing was very intense. I'd been hearing rumors from mutual friends that he was