
Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”


From the tone of this article, I honestly expected much worse from the Vulture piece. Not that it wasn’t condescendingly misogynist and arrogant. It was just not as blatantly so as I expected. There was a little “I don’t really get these silly comic book plots because I’m a grown up, you know, I shave and

A spineless GOP majority in both houses who are terrified of the TrumpTard base.

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

This just makes me so fucking angry and sad. A cop - a shitty, murdering cop - can (presumably) justify to himself in the moment pulling his gun to protect his cowardly life when he thinks his life is in danger after being hopped up on racism and crime statistics. It’s an evil act and a breach of the public’s trust,

Inquisition is a horrible game. Easily the worst Dragon Age. It even made people accept the much hated and terrible DA2 as good because Inquisition was so bad. Are you seriously this ignorant?

And EA’s pattern of buying studios, hamstringing them, and then putting them out to pasture when they fail to spin what little straw they are given into ALL OF THE GOLD continues.

Not here. Can’t help but think United was attempting to do us a solid and protect society from our giant Rabbit overlords.

Not a linguist but studied it and various dead and alive languages in school, and had a close family member with dementia. I think his speech patterns sound like a combo of senility on the verge of dementia, lots of amphetamines, and his deep-seated fear that his deep truth is being laid bare, and he knows he is a

They’re all sith months. He’s Emperor Palpatine, if Palpatine were too fucking stupid to ever use the Force and just kept going, “ooooweeeeoooooo are you hypmotized yet?”

Simple, because claiming to support the military with increased funding (which also greatly profits private military contractors...who in turn support Republicans) appeals to the ‘Murica crowd as well as fear mongering for votes (the terrorists are going to get you and we’ll keep you safe unlike those sissy liburls!!)

He may make up for it by having each half of his brain taking turns sleeping during the day.

Maybe, for a second, the clot moved.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

“Haaa Funny guy!”

“Off with his head!”

Melania is straight out of the Trump myth-making machine, just like every other Trump. His daughter is a “brilliant confident successful business wizard” (runs a knock-off clothes, shoes and handbag company daddy paid for). His sons are “successful executives” (mouth-breathing cretins given easy cushy jobs courtesy of

This beautiful example of Bombay breeding hates children. We live by a school and she doesn’t perform her usual “check out my gorgeous belly” whenever any of them walk by. She also scatters whenever children come into our home. But, we worship her, she’s a part of our family and she’s not going anywhere. Chris is a

Yeah. I unfollowed his instagram once a bunch of posts were about putting up a giant cross on their land...got a little weird. Whatever, I just don’t jive with it, being a heathen and all.