
Bueno, te concedo la victoria en este encuentro :P y gracias, creo que ha sido la primera vez que he tenido el debate en cuestión de manera tan respetuosa y con buenos argumentos.

Bueno, aunque sean superhéroes, ¿Entonces por qué sí se traduce Wolverine a “Lobezno” y Deadpool a “Masacre”?

¿Y por qué no? Entiendo que algunos casos la traducción estaría de más (como traducir “Batman” a “Hombre murciélago”, mejor dejarlo como Batman), pero lo de Homer a Homero tiene sentido. Según yo, vamos.

A ver, estoy de acuerdo en su mayor parte, de hecho hasta he salido en defensa de las traducciones de España en más de una ocasión, porque me aburro de que siempre salga el “onda vital” y el “a todo gas” a cada rato y se trate a los españoles de idiotas. Que haya quien se crea la traducción falsa de “El tío

And lots of other nations did a lot of bad things to other countries too. What’s your point?

Que profundo nos saliste.

The books went off the rails for me in Dance with Dragons. Feast was already a disappointment, but that one was a real mess. I’m not saying the show is perfect, but boy, I’ll take even the cheesiest scenes (like the Sand Snakes ones) over book 5 any day.

Thorne and his cronies weren’t the sharpest knives in the kitchen, tbh. Even after Jon was proven right, re: thousands of Wildlings with giants, mammoths, etc. And even if Jon had no reason whatsoever to lie about the White Walkers and the army of the dead, they killed him anyway.

That was amazing and actually made me feel warm and fuzzy. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Pics or it didn’t happen. (please?)

Meh, Rotten Tomatoes can go suck it. Iron Man 3 and most Fast and Furious flicks are “Fresh”. In what world are those things “fresh”?

That’s the best you got, bitch? Yawn.

Ah, fanfiction. The favorite word of Martin fanboys.

Saying this post from Jezebel, no less, was ‘successful trolling’ is an insult to actual good trolling. Cheap bait looking for incendiary reactions. Anyone with half a brain could do it.

“Sand Snakes -great characters in the book.” “There was some great material in Dorne.”

Because the whole Dorne mess from the books was any better, am I right?

Hahaha. Really, dude? Hardhome was amazing. Also, I’ll take “Bad Pussy” over “Men call me Darkstar and I am of the night”.

Get off your high horse.

Psh. The Last of Us. Come on. Get your head out of your butt.

Good bye, we hardly knew ye.