Meh, Rotten Tomatoes can go suck it. Iron Man 3 and most Fast and Furious flicks are “Fresh”. In what world are those things “fresh”?
Meh, Rotten Tomatoes can go suck it. Iron Man 3 and most Fast and Furious flicks are “Fresh”. In what world are those things “fresh”?
That’s the best you got, bitch? Yawn.
Ah, fanfiction. The favorite word of Martin fanboys.
Saying this post from Jezebel, no less, was ‘successful trolling’ is an insult to actual good trolling. Cheap bait looking for incendiary reactions. Anyone with half a brain could do it.
“Sand Snakes -great characters in the book.” “There was some great material in Dorne.”
Because the whole Dorne mess from the books was any better, am I right?
Hahaha. Really, dude? Hardhome was amazing. Also, I’ll take “Bad Pussy” over “Men call me Darkstar and I am of the night”.
Get off your high horse.
Psh. The Last of Us. Come on. Get your head out of your butt.
Good bye, we hardly knew ye.
Yeah, that’s the part that annoys me the most from GOT. The asinine whining from SJWs. Boohoo we not like womyn getting raped, but we’re A-OK with all the other kinds of violence.
Seriously. That Lawrence won over Emmanuelle Riva continues to boggle my mind to this day.
Life in Aggro is the shittiest of them all, though. Pretty drawings, but they can’t write to save their lives.
Hahaha. I’d actually watch that one.
Lol, this is Jezebel. That’s sort of the entire point of this site. Not questioning the women, condemning the men.
Jesus, of course. People ignored that game because you play as a woman. Damn patriarchy.
Tu comentario es una mierda, fin del debate :v
Vaya amargado que estás hecho, Rebato.
And did he manage to do it?
They aren't trying to say anything. It's the usual Life in Aggro's pathetic attempt at humor. Hey, she humped a dolphin, that's funny, right guise?