
I think she water danced the shit out of the Waif.

They did kill the Blackfish, though.

You’re just setting yourself for disappointment, bro.

Meh, Rotten Tomatoes can go suck it. Iron Man 3 and most Fast and Furious flicks are “Fresh”. In what world are those things “fresh”?

I knew something was missing.

As long as each installment keeps netting billions of dollars at the b.o., probably never.

I guess you’re used to take other people’s hyperbolic opinions as facts.


If we ignore Transformers, will it go away?

That’s the best you got, bitch? Yawn.

Right, hyperbole aside, I don’t think they want to get Charlie Hebdo-ed.

Don’t let the door hit you on your way out, drama queen.

It’ll get obliterated by Rogue One for sure...Just because of the December 21st silliness.

I thought Christophe Gans’ Silent Hill was nice. The sequel was godawful, though (to be fair, Gans wasn’t involved in that one).

I’m a bit late, but...I really liked that the movie dumped the squid thing. I always thought it was stupid, and framing Manhattan made more sense.

IKR. The rubber chicken gets me every time.

Ah, fanfiction. The favorite word of Martin fanboys.

Saying this post from Jezebel, no less, was ‘successful trolling’ is an insult to actual good trolling. Cheap bait looking for incendiary reactions. Anyone with half a brain could do it.

“Sand Snakes -great characters in the book.” “There was some great material in Dorne.”