Lol, 170+ days for 15 minutes of internet fame.
Lol, 170+ days for 15 minutes of internet fame.
So, is that Ampharos from New Zealand?
To be fair, it's not like the script of DOFP was that good. I don't mean to mess with X-Men fans, but that movie is hardly a masterpiece of the superhero genre.
Also, I think this is fake.
SteamBoy? Seriously? Stand aside, PS Vita, a new portable has now claimed the title of the stupidest name.
Yeah, but it's all about Mario. It's not "Luigi & Mario".
It kind of made me sad how even Toad gets now a 3D platformer and Luigi got nothing apart from a New Super Mario Bros rehash last year. (I'm not counting the "Mansion" games, mind you, I see them as spin-offs of sorts).
Just wait when Nintendo says it's not a girl. Oh, the outrage. Oh, how Nintendo hates women and minorities.
If they have been playing with male characters all this time through the main series, why should they care or get pissed off now? Seriously. I'm not defending Ubisoft, but these arguments and controversies are really tiresome "What no women blagaahgahga sexism!!!".
Will people still care? I know I don't.
When it doesn't happen (because it's not going to happen), what are you going to say?
I'd say the charm has worn off after so many years of seeing the same pictures over and over again.
Oh, wow. Mario Party 10. I can die in peace now. How exciting.
Oh, fuck it. Fuck the Miis. I'm not going into a rant or to say "I'm not buying this game now", but this doesn't excite me at all.
There were some people thinking that Sony was going to announce a release date for TLG and show new material in their E3 presentation. Poor unfortunate souls. Just accept that the thing will never see the light of day.
It being a MMO and open world kind of turns me off. Not for me.
Curiously enough, I can't find any news sites as sources, but rather a lot of forum discussions and tweets. I'm not making this up, though. They did hire her.
I can't get hyped because Anita Sarkeesian is involved with this.