They're just jumping in the "let's bash Hooters/whatever" bandwagon. Same ol' internet.
They're just jumping in the "let's bash Hooters/whatever" bandwagon. Same ol' internet.
"while others took some time to educate the chain on what it would be like if someone who had experienced rape were to happen onto the picture." Oh, cry me a river. These people are the worst. So what? Are they suggesting rape victims should have sheltered lives? Like if that will make rape disappear from the world,…
Nothing worse than the dog part in ep 1.
I don't know who in his/her right mind decided to buy something like that. It was clear from the beginning that it was only a ploy.
I'm liking it so far, except for the dog part in the first chapter. It was cheap and gratuitous. Saw it coming from a mile away as soon as it appeared.
Agreed. The vocal minority tends to be quite annoying, though. It's cool to have different opinions, but for some reason they feel the need to bring up their "The Hobbit was bloated" bullcrap in every thread, even if it's not about the Hobbit (like in this article about Star Wars).
The Fault in Our Stars? Really?
Then I'll realize what? Come on Jaden, don't leave me hanging.
I think you're oversimplifying it, but it's all right, everyone is entitled to their own likings or dislikings. The Dark Knight still suffered from shaky cam, though. I've no problems with Inception (I love that movie).
I'll admit that I like Paul W.S. Anderson and most his movies. Gotta say in his favor that the guy actually can film a fight or an action sequence without shaking the camera, like other directors with better reputation (Christopher Nolan, guy can't film a decent fight even if his life depended on it).
Yeah, no. Fuck her.
Oh, come on. I don't really understand why are you making such a big fuss over this manga. Get a grip already. Some people just really want to bitch and whine about anything. "Oh, this is racist. Oh, this is violent. Oh, this is misogynistic. Blahblahblah".
Yeah, I've read about the downfall of the project. And I still think they're a bunch of greedy dumbasses. Had they released the movie they would've made millions and millions of dollars, but eh...Their loss.
Agreed. When the Halo film was first announced, with Jackson as producer and Blomkamp as director, and Weta doing the VFX I nearly squealed of delight like a little girl. interest is waning and fading away. To quote Théoden: It has passed like rain on the mountains, like wind in the meadow.
You don't say?
I love "The Secret of Kells", one of my favorite movies ever. Pangur Ban, Pangur Ban.
Meh, VG Cats is but a shadow of its former self. Now it's all style and no substance. And Scott updates every 100 years, so...
Have you watched the director's cut? It's a vast improvement.
Meh, I think it's pretty lame.