Yeah I just heard. Playstation people not included though?
Yeah I just heard. Playstation people not included though?
2300 is a very xenophobic year? Huh, I didn't know time travel was possible. Share your secrets oh great one.
Omg I never even thought of that!!!!!
I don't care.
No. It’s Jorah, duh.
I thought it might have been them sticking with their default character model, but yeah it probably is that. Still kind of a bummer though.
So speculating because of typical standards in video games is ranting now? Also you are inferring a lot more than what I said. Having a problem with automatic exclusion is valid. Because of how easily avoidable it was.
People were speculating that you play as the parents at the start, so I have no idea really.
Hahahaha because I counter your point I’m taking it personally and I need to chill out? No, what I’m saying is that instead of automatically excluding people because their name isn’t on some arbitrary list, why not just keep it the same and not exclude anyone?
I was speaking mostly on playing as yourself. The names are the 1000 most popular, want to guess what percentage of those will be white US people names?
So fucking what. Deathclaws aren’t real, but yet using a name that’s not from the 50’s in the U.S. is unrealistic?
Because for most of us, being a white dude in every single game is boring as shit, and being able to play as someone like us as a hero is something we waited for years to do. So we will take advantage of the few times we’re graciously allowed to choose.
How does only having a certain number of names improve immersion? Especially for, y’know, anyone outside the U.S.
I’d rather none at all tbh. It’s better than excluding a fuckton of people because they don’t have the “right” name.
I’m talking about the voice acting.
Considering that the United States is a “melting pot” I would hope names from all over the globe. And those names aren’t common, for white Americans maybe.
1,000’s of names like John or Jill.
I would buy a hat and eat it if it was.
Unusual? So, like, anyone who’s not American or anyone who’s not white.