
Mind blown if real

MissingNo. was a real null’ed pokemon, maybe this pokemon is a kind of missingNo., and it would be amazing if GameFreak make MissingNo. a real pokemon someday

Arceus is normal too, maybe its ability is to nullify any weakness

so realistic until you crash at +200kph, jump through the window and stand up with a pair of scratches

I doubt that nintendo go for arm/tegra for desktop console too, maybe their portable part (for 3DS backward compatibility), but the console should be an x86 to maintain wiiu backward compatibility and use optical media (32GB will be insuffiecient) and make third parties happy, many games that had been announced for

as usual, backgrounds and NPC textures were left almost the same with filters applied

This game was originally made in RPG Maker 2003?

perfect for those cold winter days

Did you watch the announcement trailer? All version, world wide, will have all languages, you can buy it in hawaii and set it in japanese

Nintendo is an expert to cut out new features introduced in past pokemon iterations in the new ones for no reason, for example, the day/night system introduced in GSC wasn’t in RSE, the berries in GSC wasn’t in DPP, the pokemon follow you outside battle intruduced in HGSS (and yellow) wasn’t in BW/BW2, the videochat

that’s mega dugtrio, a ground/fighting pokemon

yep, same here, pokemon snap wiiu should have been the wiiu launch/bundled game and not that sh*tty nintendo land, that would have been a total hit.

Nintendo was delaying to much releasing this, this game is perfect to use it with the wiiu controller, even more, they should have made a new wiiu pokemon snap with full gamepad compatibility and feature all pokemon to date, but no because nintendo.

yes, but here, in Chile, a years ago, in the ETC TV cable channel, is translating Detective Conan with original names, it the continuation where the old translation finish, from episode 170 I think

I grow up in latin america, and we had the spanish op in the zodiac’s knights, I always found it strange, but I like it, but in the 2000's relaunch of the anime, we had the original openings and endings fully localized in latin america.

I’m very glad to have grown watching anime in the golden age of latin spanish anime, almost all imported anime directly from japan have treir opening and endings faithfully transtaled, and almost all characters names, locations, sound track and skills were the originals or have minor changes, even Inuyasha was so

well, that 100$ tablet should have at least a 1Ghz monocore ARM CPU nowdays, even a Wii CPU is more powerfull than the weak 3DS ARM11 dual-core CPU

I do the same thing sometimes!

I would made a big SD adapter with a Floopy Disk shape

so Squareenix is doing MGSV Chapter 3 intead of Konami?