Why would a sega internal team approach square enix?
Why would a sega internal team approach square enix?
Eh...so r u saying sea of thieves is fun or are you saying you are a cool dude with cool friends. You spent more words talking about your friends than the game itself.
I’ve already downloaded them into my Google drive, mega & OneDrive so there’s that.
Yah...I bought shovel Knight on PS4 (that supports cross buy and cross saves) and oddly played and completed it in the Vita instead
Perhaps they should just play the Tetris song
Where’s strider hiryu?
X marks the spot...
Holy shit...peach as a terrorist?
blasphemy!!! theres only one god and his name is Cthulhu.
Not authentic enough. Need ato carry female mag or lady panty and some nosebleed to be authentic. Lmao.
“you are pretty good.”
I think the late Steve jobs will love this place.
I wish this will come to my country but it will most probably not.
Well, when in Rome, do what the Romans do.
I wouldn’t called it ‘worst position’....’more responsibility’ will be more appropriate.
I don’t how the Vive and Occulus can catch on in japan especially cities like tokyo and osaka. Have you seen their shoebox apartments? How is it possible to setup roomscale VR with the limited space. Therefore, i think PSVR got much more opportunity than the PC VR solutions.
Its sold out in Singapore here (or pretty much all of asia)...my friend from UK...his backorder will only arrive in february....i think when sony said there’s not enough inventory, it is true. Those OLED screen (only PSVR is using OLED) certainly doesn’t comes easy.
More Summer Lesson DLC announced too....!!
Prepare some diapers first?