
Boy...do I have news for Mr Rajan Zed about a certain game franchise called final fantasy...

I’ll keep cuming....amirite guys? :P

Wow, i have a saturn...specifically a japanese saturn that is still working...though i am the sure the internal battery died so all my save games are gone. It will be great if he can figure out a way to get the games loaded on the USB to save on it as well (perhaps emulating a save cartridge slot?).....

Bah! Dark Souls 6 will be released to all territories in traditional chinese ONLY. Good luck to you westerners out there trying to understand traditional chinese !! (and not simplified chinese that china is currently using).....

Someone has been drinking too much milk of the poppy when they designed this.........’thing’...

Meh...prehuman warfare is the best.

It’s been confirmed to be THE kratos. Go to PlayStation YouTube channel, they have more detail interview with the devs.

i guess you are the reason why COD & Sport games exist....so more power to you then...

If every devs used your ‘safe iterative’ design approach to creating games sequel, we will never have castlevania symphony of the night, GTA3, resident evil 4, metroid prime, etc...

“Microsoft is proud to announce Halo 6. Only on Windows 10. Not windows 8. And certainly NOT Mac or Linux. And only on Microsoft Mouse & Keyboards.”

after 2 games of resident evil with big bombastic explosion, it’s nice to see a change of pace.

Reimagining a new god of war game with a new norse character battling norse gods in the same God of war structure (revenge, etc)...that will be lazy. It’s like what the asian idiom says: Changing the soup but not the base.

LOL @ #coregamerzz.....you are actually proud to call yourself that? Ok, i guess.

But if they did Kratos raging again for no apparent reason, you will then complain it’s the same old thing and Kratos is just a 2 dimensional rage machine. A catch-22 isn’t it? Sometimes, developers cannot really win.

Why are you on the fence of the prospect of Kratos vs Thor, Odin, Loki, Frost Giants among other Norse mythological characters?!

This game set in true ancient Japanese history confirmed.

Cloud evaporated. Need more rain for more cloud.

Price concern is a price to us console gamers, you know....will ms have a $599 moment next year?

Enlighten/notice me, senpai!!!

Question: Do guys actually get a boner from looking at anime girls...even naked ones?