
Didn’t AOE3 had something similar with the real-time physics when a building is being destroyed?

Hey, SE....if this can come to Vita in the West, why not ‘I am Setsuna’?

here’s news...there’s no way to turn off important updates for windows 10......at least for the non-enterprise edition of windows 10.

Just because Microsoft released patches for Windows phone/mobile every now & then doesn’t mean windows phone/mobile is a thing

Dat ass...

Need more.......bottle caps.

Vita owners are like Wii u owners. They kept on bitching why games aren’t released on their system and yet are not able to objectively realized that it does not make any financial sense to release it due to people not buying it (enough)..

so......er....is this consider ‘yellow washing’? Er....guys....any social justice warriors care to comment?

i thought console games are too ‘dumb’ for pc master race what with their star citizens and 4x strategy games......

Another example of the godly amount of details ND put into their games...

just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I have a Nvidia Shield TV and it’s really a great box for media consumption...especially being one of few 4k ready boxes out now in the market...but a good game machine it is not. I have MG Rising on Play Store installed on the Shield TV (won the code from androidpolice

Konami’s reply: Nanomachines, son. La li lu le lo!

Question: What falls in a forest but doesn’t make it sound?

Vita is love. Vita is life.

Tony Stark is an irresponsible drunkard that cannot be trusted!

i really don’t know how but nintendo will really needs to get some 3rd party support. yes, ppl buy nintendo consoles for nintendo games and yes, nintendo games are best in class but if nintendo want gamers to treat the nx as a main console (and not a ‘sub’ console like Wii/Wii-U only for nintendo games), 3rd parties

what worries me is that this game still doesn’t have an official title...are we gonna call this game Zelda Wii U forever?

The thirst is real. Although this seems unfortunate (no company want their stuff to get stolen), at least Sony can rest a little that demand for UC4 is skyhigh...

money are at stake....so....NOPE! That won’t happen.

When you are comparing the pace and development speed of Season 5 Vs A Feast for Crows/A Dance with Dragons....i think the TV Shows wins out.