I am Chinese and i just stepped on a banana skin and fell down. You white people should be ashame of it because it is all your fault....somehow.
I am Chinese and i just stepped on a banana skin and fell down. You white people should be ashame of it because it is all your fault....somehow.
Konami’s reply: Nanomachines, son. La li lu le lo!
This just in....whiplash & Aunt May had an affair
Question: What falls in a forest but doesn’t make it sound?
Vita is love. Vita is life.
Tony Stark is an irresponsible drunkard that cannot be trusted!
i really don’t know how but nintendo will really needs to get some 3rd party support. yes, ppl buy nintendo consoles for nintendo games and yes, nintendo games are best in class but if nintendo want gamers to treat the nx as a main console (and not a ‘sub’ console like Wii/Wii-U only for nintendo games), 3rd parties…
what worries me is that this game still doesn’t have an official title...are we gonna call this game Zelda Wii U forever?
The thirst is real. Although this seems unfortunate (no company want their stuff to get stolen), at least Sony can rest a little that demand for UC4 is skyhigh...
money are at stake....so....NOPE! That won’t happen.
When you are comparing the pace and development speed of Season 5 Vs A Feast for Crows/A Dance with Dragons....i think the TV Shows wins out.
so you like a thing if it’s not mainstream and once it went mainstream you stopped liking it? Are you guys what they called a ‘counter culture hippy’?
At this point in time, GRRM & the ‘Song’ books are similar to the Kentaro Miura & his ‘Berserk’ Manga...both are highly acclaimed (adult) fantasy stories with extreme violence and nudity and both basically ‘stopped’ having new volumes for a long time while their creators were seemingly more interested in other stuff…
Dat ass....I mean dat thigh...
i didn’t know that you are his subconscious and knew he doesn’t understand it. Maybe you are the one that do not understand it? Why so angry/serious? You sounds like a mad man....
I ate a dish at an Michellin Star restaurant and i am able to replicate the dish hundred percent. Does it make my dish ‘shit’ and also me, a talentless hack?
Yeah! ‘Murica, Fuck Yeah!! USA! USA! USA!
you and me both. i thought it was a render as well.
Pop a few meth, a few shots of tequila, put in the 3D goggles and i can imagine this will be a real trippy headride with all these sfx.....