You must not like the phrase, TGIF.
You must not like the phrase, TGIF.
FYI, chopstick is a Chinese invention. The Japanese as a whole is not holding chopsticks correctly if you REALLY wanna be particular about it.
What happened to America, what happened to the world? I grew up in the 80s where ppl aren’t afraid of standing up for what they like or don’t. Now it seems that we can’t like something because it doesn’t conform to this ‘general society consciousness’. If the world really became what the SJW wanted, we would had shows…
Xbox 360 is not using cell but a PowerPC...much more easy to emulate
What nonsense are you spouting? The world wide web was barely functioning in 1995, let alone twitter.
Don’t hold your balls too much...probably will be.......waluigi.
Yes, the 1st 6 ff were on Nintendo consoles. The next 9 games though, are not. At this point in time though, I don’t think anyone (other than super old-school people or Nintendo diehard) will think of ff as a ‘Nintendo franchise’. Makes more sense for dragon quest IMO..
At this point in time, nothing make sense anymore. If cloud, a character never ever associated with a Nintendo platform, appears on smash Bros., then all bets are off! Who next? Mickey mouse? Spongebob squarepants? Meatboy? Eric Cartman? Thomas from Thomas Was alone? Gordon Freeman?
En taro adun! For Aiur!
Still a better love story than twilight..
Yes!! Gonna play this......after I’m done with uncharted 4 and this comes out on the ps4 for cheap.
I think Square Enix and especially Crystal Dynamics are regretting their decision.
“I’m faster than lightning!”
After you get one of these consoles, you still need to get the physical games, the memory cards and not the mentioned, an old ass SD CRT TV.
Waiting for some PC ‘chauvinist’ to complain about this being ‘sexist’...because if a naked lady doing the same thing on a restaurant, it is a derogatory to female species according to the PCs
The lighting is abit off, the ground geometry is too symmetrical and most important of all.......
A vegan worst nightmare
Double down on The Last Blade, Samurai Shodown & Fatal Fury games please.....SNK, not just KOF.
As somebody that knows how to read kanji, i think the correct english translation of the title should be ‘Please call me a Hero’ instead of ‘I am a Hero’.
“This economic prosperity has led to a better quality of life for not just the wealthy in Britain but also the lower classes. Between 1850 and 1870, the average pay for an industrial worker doubled in Britain.”