I'm with you. I don't see any reason why a film adaptation of Mass Effect needs to be made. The game's cinematic enough, and the story is over.
I'm with you. I don't see any reason why a film adaptation of Mass Effect needs to be made. The game's cinematic enough, and the story is over.
My assumption is that it was used as the 'cross-hairs' by placing it in the glass of the scope or sight when it was created. A quick Google search seems to confirm that, but I'm open to being corrected.
You need new friends. Seriously, it's only 45 minutes long, and it's a wonderfully-quirky Whedon work. It's both funny and full of genuine emotion.
You do realize that the majority of one of the world's largest, most influential and most dangerous countries (this being my lovely homeland of America) thinks that Reality TV is real and cares for little more than their next Honey Boo Boo or Jersey Shore fix, right?
The only book I ever threw across the room was Book 1 of the Wheel of Time. I immediately returned it to its owner (thankfully, it was none the worse for wear) and never looked back. No one should be made to suffer like that.
It's interesting - I really like alternate history, but only when done well. Watching the ripple effect of an alternate history in the hands of someone who understands it can be really incredible. Eric Flint's one of my favorite guys for this 1812: The Rivers of War and the Belisarius series were a lot of fun.
So, a picture of black lights then? =)
I'm pretty sure I could listen to her talk foreverandeverandever. About anything. Hell, I'd even sign up to get a stock market report or medical journals or something else incredibly dry and boring if she was reading them...
...they're totally going to gut the 'hammer' joke for network TV, aren't they? Will they bleep it, redub it? What's the Cap'n gonna say? "The hammer is my... y'know..."??
Sweet merciful crap... whose idea was it to put that giant brown drug-whacked Eeyore on a kids' show?!
I like this advice. After thinking most of my life that I was a broad-strokes, high-level kind of thinker, I made my way into a business analyst's position by virtue of wanting to get the hell out of customer support. As it turns out, I've got a good eye for data and detailed analysis, which I now consider a strength…
Yes, but how else to illustrate the concept? A picture of nothing? Black is incorrect because that's no light at all, but white would also be incorrect as we would be seeing a collection of all visible light, but still no ultraviolet.
I was watching it for the pretty fractals. I figured that if there had been a fatal accident, it probably wouldn't have been posted on YouTube. =)
I'm always happy when I'm one of today's lucky 10,000. =)
I've never seen this before. http://xkcd.com/1053/
Is anyone doing serious research into exogenesis? It seems like it would solve so many problems. If I ever win the Powerball, I'm gonna hire me some scientists...
If you're a sci-fi/fantasy/horror fan, might want to check out the Genre Underground [www.genreunderground.com]. There's some good stuff in there, all indie authors.
The hell are you talking about? My 2007 6 is the best car I've ever owned, hands-down.
I am jealous that you have your own personal Socrates.
This comment started me laughing about 120 seconds ago and I haven't been able to stop...