Lorde Michaels

Oh, a superfan huh?

Too soon.

Damnit Gene Wilder death news, I thought I told you to NEVER INTERRUPT ME WHILE I AM WORKING!

I'm not crying, I spilled fizzy lifting drinks in my eyes!

This man defined my childhood. Who didn't want to hang with him the in Chocolate Factory? And then, later, who didn't want to have him as your surrogate "Creature Dad"? And then, even later, who didn't want him to have your back in a chess match or six gun showdown? And then, even later than that he taught you

That joke sucks.

Alone is great!

Usually I just find her high.

I was hoping for Nate Dogg. Color me upset.

2004 of course!

Guys, you can re-watch Crash!

Well, you are 2 out of 13 songs on your way to being into it.

Do you think Lenny actually felt that wearing that blanket was normal? Or was he like, "Yeah, this is dumb AF but yolo".

To be fair, you were dangling your batcufffs out there for all to see.

Missed the chance to call it a Bat battery pack. Loser.

it's the safest sex.

Take that back Francis!!

**turns page with world's second longest fingernails while twirling world's 4th longest mustache**

This is the sad trombone of world records.

i have more gadgets on my Bat Chastity Belt…