Lorde Michaels

If they (me) have Division Bell and Momentary Lapse would this person get a pass?

Full Moon Fever was basically The Travelling Willburys Vol. 2.
It has Yer So Bad which everyone knows is the best Tom Petty song recorded and that song everyone's girlfriend loves Free Fallin'.

Playing cave might be the saddest make believe thing to play I've ever heard.

I have other hobbies….like plush sloth collecting!

That's 22 stores too many.

Nah, he shares that wealth pretty good. He does drink like 6 Cokes a day so he's well on his way.

So it IS possible to comb in too much Just For Men!

I also like that our cops just tucked him in bed and didn't cite anyone.

4 isn't really an "accident" is it?

Everyone here in Omaha knows 3:11 is the earliest these kids could get out of school to smoke the pots. That's where the name originated.

Come to Omaha. Most of us here already weigh 311.

I would surely pay $12.00 for a plush sloth of that quality. What a steal!!!

You say that because you like his new hair?

Around here, most of us can see ourselves in Barb. Nerdy, lonely, distrustful of the popular kids/adults. We don't leave our commenting friends alone to fight battles against trolls. At least that's why I liked her character.

I thought the bit about Sandy Hook being for the greater good and being the virgins the dead terrorists get as a reward was hilariously tasteless and it took me a couple of seconds to laugh but laugh I did.

You're a glass of iced tea half full kinda guy, huh?

I'm an older dad!

Fat Mac will never not be funny.

They've always had nice things to say about you, Gentle Herpes.

"Damn it ElDan! You're going to scratch it or sumfin'!"