Lorde Michaels

I get what you're saying, I'm a major Weezer apologist. Hell, I even enjoyed Hurley! But people always complain about the new stuff and love on the old stuff. I mainly use Spotify at work to listen to music and do you know how many Pinkerton songs are in their top 10 played songs? None. How many from Maladroit?

Perfect Situation is a Top 10 Weezer song. I don't care what anyone else says.

Can't wait for the Hayes Carll record. I've been a big fan for about 4 years which means I've NEVER HAD THE CHANCE TO BUY A RECORD OF HIS THE DAY IT CAME OUT!! Sorry for the caps and all that but dude has been taking his time on this thing!

Great advice cookie. I'm currently learning to deal with our 2 month old son's rotating schedule. Each day is an adventure.

Stay out of the Hustler Clubs. You've been warned.

Been on a cajun food kick lately which isn't so bad except I live in Nebraska. So that means I've been whisking roux like a mother fucker.

He's had lots of women leave their kitchens to support him!

My two month old son now smiles as he's filling his diaper. I can't hardly muster the strength to be upset about changing him because dat smile.


And Carniva'le…

I don't have much to add here except to note that the word "Ass" is right there at the end of the name Duplass.

I think Ray set a pretty high standard.

I bet if Hank read this review he'd be driven to drink!

Show me where the bad man touched you on the Goo Goo Doll.

Are you saying Shandling had to die to let the Goo Goo Dolls birth another album? If that's the case, humanity got the raw end of THAT deal…

I'm thinking Chis is actually Snyder trolling us.

Really liking Daddy's Favorite and The End Of Things!

Or Slacks?

That's your solution for everything!

My son is two months old. He already has batman pajamas and a ninja turtles outfit that waiting for him in the closet. I can't wait to nerd him out! I also loved 60's Batman as a kid and that was the first movie my son saw. Well, his eyes were open while in vicinity of the tv so I'm counting it!