Lorde Michaels

Why isn't the Edge considered a guitar god? He's got 30 plus years of songs under his belt. You KNOW it's him after hearing half a note!

For my money, The Unforgettable Fire is U2's best 80's output.

This was the last album of theirs I needed to complete my collection if that tells you anything. And the crisis aspect of the album…That's the thing about Bono, he seems to have these periods of self reflection and introspection. The reason they keep putting out, at least to me, good material is that he lets his life

Zooropa is worth the price of admission. The Zoo TV tour was the best show I've ever seen.

Hot Take: This is my least favorite U2 album.

I'd be remiss if I didn't say
"And knowing is half the battle"

Were they Oral exams?
*Reads rest of post*
No, no they weren't.

You aren't the only one who can get a Cookieboner…

Indiana Jone5

Don't you mean IMFO?

Better than Mr. Jones having a handful.

Don't forget her early version of Smells Like Teen Spirit!

Don't stop with their 80's material, the later albums are great too!

I'm going out on a limb here and am willing to state John Wayne was overrated and had as much range as Cal Ripken did playing 3rd base his last season in the big leagues.

Upvoted for non veiled threats of mustache violence.

America is not ready for Goodman's tasty man titties?

No Back To The Shack?

Hey! It's not THAT bad…

I just dropped by to say that I love everything Justin Vernon's been involved with (even the Indigo Girl solo album) except for his breaking Kathleen Edwards' heart. Dick move man. But I'm gonna give his new album a chance to make it up to me.

I just got a cavity reading this!