Lorde Michaels

I'm 37 and proudly bring my Scooby Doo one to work every day.

I just came here to say I love the song 'Maneater".

Sadly, Comet is dead and couldn't be in this retooling.

Cute baby Michelle, you've stolen my heart. Again.

I thought it was the METH…

It needs to be CUT OUT immediately.

Wax dummy car commercials don't pay like they used to!

Why do you think Keenan gets all the skits?

"Did I really need to do this?"

Hey, CUT IT OUT. This show might not be the leaky outhouse it looks to be!

I have an idea, let's take the most irritating character from the original show and give her the same stupid stuff to do but just more of it.

Well, I've found the gateway to the end of times.

How instantaneous did the diarrhea hit?

Oh man, I was going to give this show a chance!


I vote for the party. Which is why I'm gonna vote Sanders.

This is why the AV Club rules. You can get lost in the comments on a Tupac story or an interview about Tom Poston.

People are still saying that!

Be careful though, if the super doesn't like you he'll evict you for causing an uprising!

How is no one afraid of going down stair in the dark that have spaces between each step? Like, this is pants peeing terrifying. Have you never seen a ghost show on TV?