Lorde Michaels

In this case the "E" is for Ehhhhh….I'll pass.

Liked solely for the Fred McGriff avatar.

My movies….not so much.

Why do you think I'm always hanging out backstage?

See Internet! This is how you disagree with an opinion. Ice Cream Planet, I commend you! You didn't shit on anyone who likes the show. Kudos!

Jerry VanDyke out on Coach, Dick VanDyke in

More like Stinkerton, amirite guys?

I suggest using the Naughty by Nature logo instead.

But he's ok with the Red Wing boot ads?

After reading the Jared pedo story I'm scared to click the link above…

Jared loves 3 inch sandwiches?

Great. The dancing toaster elicited guffaws from me and now my work peers think I'm even more weird than yesterday.

I'll buy it.

I couldn't have been the only one hoping Greg and Marcia connected in that one episode right?

Confrontational Dental Work is my new scooter gang's name.

"You dipped a chip, then you took a bite, then you DIPPED AGAIN YOU MONSTER!!!!"

*whilst grabbing sagging elastic band on whitey tighties and pulls them up to his neck*

The more I see these pub shots with Harley Quinn the more I realize I'm a dirty old man.

In what year was that Detachable Penis song released onto the world?

The answer I've come up with after a few days of thought is To Kill A Mockingbird. Gregory Peck is Atticus Finch. There can be no other!