Lorde Michaels

I hope they show him creating the recipe for those tasty cookie things he makes!

Someone read it and let me know if there's anything sketch worthy in it.

It's like eating dinner and no one's talking cause the food is so good.

I remember my first Porsche.

Yeah but is The Rock getting pulled over?

Brian Posehn does have a nice rack!

They're willing to take a 5 minute recess now and again.

Also, how is no one mentioning that painting of Carmelo Woofany up on his wall?

*Looks at kitten poster in cube*

I'd say in the Court of Public Opinion but everyone knows the only enlightened people in the world are here, posting on The A.V. Club's boards.

You've got to hand it to them, they've figured out yet another new way to steal from the artists and look like giant dbags.

Live because their music made me wish I was dead.

Female Country Stars are the hottest thing out there right now!

My fave was the SNL #40 one, obvs


How did the reviewer know only women bought the book? Did he work at Borders or something?

Tell your mother I said I'm sorry her leg got blown off.

You can enjoy her in the new Lizzie Borden series that's premiering on Lifetime Movie Network then!

Hope there's dick jokes aplenty. If there's one thing I know it's Kristen Wiig's ability to land a good dick joke.

Take that Walking Dead!