Lord Dudley

Adam West was was a big screen (if not big budget) Batman.

Was your teacher Sandra Day O'Conner?

Is Dylan/Pickle from Arkansas? That may explain a lot.

Lousy mooching seniors!

I wonder if they would have accepted GWTW for 1939 fantasy movie where Victor Fleming replaced George Cukor as director.

Did he wrest it away from Chris Christie?

Well, it's not quite a cheetah, and it's not quite a girl.

Bolt the door, Mariah.

Did you hear the news about Hugo and Kim?

I agree—except for the 1982 Merry Wives of Windsor with Ben Kingsley, Judy Davis, Richard Griffiths, and Prunella Scales.

Don't give CBS any ideas!

Maybe Sandy Duncan challenged him?

I literally could care less about such pedantry!

Cletus Spunkler!

Name checks out.

How can someone hate Casablanca?

All About Eve, which TCM is showing tomorrow at 8:00. One of the wittiest, most literate movies ever made.

I liked Deborah (despite her strange Final Jeopardy wagers). She seemed genuinely happy for Justin and gave him a high five.

I agree, but Trump doesn't think McCain's a war hero.

And Bachelor Party—who knew Tom Hanks would be the one to hit it big?