Lord Dudley

Worse than Barbie Girl? Or Mambo No. 5?

Seriously, when did drag queens start having to be nice?

Pork Chop from S1 NEEDS to come back.

The 60's version is now out on blu-ray and DVD. And Franko did some awesome "Thoughts On" the series a while back.

I do love Debra Monk singing "Everybody's Girl" from Steel Pier.

Just like Hitchcock!

What about on Halloween?

The Ivy of the South? Wait! That doesn't sound right.

"There was nothing in Al Capone's vault. But it wasn't Gerardo's fault!"

Pitt the Elder!

Thank you! I had the same reaction at the exact same part. To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, it's not a book to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown away with great force.

I think the Brady's had a four-part Hawaii episode. Of course, that was the 70s. We had a longer attention span then.

Fuck Netflix for no longer having Murder, She Wrote!

But then shouldn't Mexico pay for the solar panels?

The Marilyn Monroe movie was Bus Stop?

Plus she mumbled a lot of her answers (or I should get my hearing checked).

Perhaps surprisingly, my Catholic elementary school had Then Again, Maybe I Won't and Are You There, God…but it was the '70's.

She may not count, she spells it Katey.

Ugh, just no. I'm as Irish as Paddy's pig and would never make that comparison. It's not in the same universe, let alone ballpark.

I think he's available.