Lord Dudley

And John Amos!

He is a smart guy. In the first round, I thought he had a good shot because he was slow and steady and not making stupid guesses.

She's on their state quarter (I think).

Where all the theaters in Branson quiet last weekend? I imagine all the performers were in DC for the inauguration. (I realize I'm probably not the first to make that observation).

Fun fact (if IMDB is to be believed), Bill Irwin is a proud graduate of the Barnum & Bailey Clown College. I would have loved to have seen him on Broadway (opposite Kathleen Turner!) in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf—tie-in to last night's Final Jeopardy.

He and her other "friends" are awful.

Just like The Devil Wears Prada. She and Emily Blunt made that movie enjoyable.

That was Gladys.

Did Sean remind anyone else of Stubby Kaye from Guys and Dolls/Cat Ballou? Just me?

Havilina already said it.

Holly is little more than an escort?

I said Picasso because of the dates (and being abstract), but I think he did use models.

Amazing! But I don't think Federer is in his half of the draw?

Hopefully the third is Forrest Gump.

Opening scene of Touch of Evil?

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I know who I'd choose.

And that little boy that no one liked…grew up to be Roy Cohn!

Good Day!

Ugh, stunt queens! (Seriously).