Lord Dudley

I think she looks fine—yes, she's had some work done. But I think it's more Jessica Lange than Jocelyn Wildestein.

Yes to everything about Jane Fonda. She's had (good) work done, but it helps to have amazing genes—she's obviously Henry Fonda's daughter and Peter's sister.

And Southern Decadance. Btw, I loved you in I Wake Up Screaming co-starring Betty Grable.

Maybe she meant Alan Rickman?

I am so smart, S-M-R-T.

Definitely. I've been impressed by them.

They sure don't need to build confidence on an "all-star" season.

I don't believe that story for a minute. I saw Leslie Jordan (judge on the original bus stop story episode). He didn't buy that story either.

I think "lazy" is the exact word to describe Adore. It's like she couldn't be bothered to put any effort into her look or act. Yes, she's a strong singer, but put little effort into her performance.

Sorry! I should have read your comment before posting above.

Ugh, Chad's Hunger Games references reminded me of Mike Meyer's character, Linda Richman trying (and failing) to be hip to the lingo of the day.

Yeah, her "singing" was awkward and uncomfortable. And like I said above, her entrance costume looked like it came out of a Party City bag.

I thought it was a Sexy Riddler (or off-brand equivalent) costume from Party City.

And she's more popular than Pee Wee Herman?

She was doing wacky things in early episodes of Gilmore Girls—catching some things on fire, dropping stuff. I'm guessing physical comedy is her go-to.

She just did a speech like that, starting with Trump being sued by DoJ for not renting to non-whites through what have black people got to lose (in front of an (almost) all-white audience. The Washington Post has it annotated https://www.washingtonpost….

Happy Birthday! It's also Michael Rennie's (from The Day the Earth Stood Still). Now get off my lawn!

Drake Carrington?

Eh, they fall down on the job while you sneak off to watch Honk If You're Horny.

Dick Van Dyke looks like he could do a Diagnosis Murder movie. Maybe Scott Baio could be the victim?