Lord Dudley

Yeah, he lost me on the brushing off his shoulders—despite looking like the love child of Mr. Burns's lawyer and a minion.

I agree about Husbands and Wives, mostly because of Judy Davis.

Boat Trip?

How can you say Michelle can't bring glamour? I find a prison-looking star tattoo between her breasts to be QUITE glamorous.

God, I miss her!

If you find any good alternatives to Gawker/Deadspin, please let us know.

Get off my lawn! Wow, that would have been great—I love the movie despite Chevy Chase, certainly not because of him.

God! (Pun intended?) that movies gets to me. Growing up, I was around a lot of nuns—some like the nuns in the movie, others not so much.

And I felt bad that poor Farrah's death was overshadowed by Michael Jackson. She was almost cast in the Goldie Hawn role in Foul Play, as much as I like that movie, I think Farrah would have been great.

Hayley Mills will always be great for The Trouble With Angels (even if Rosalind Russell didn't care for her). And her brother-in-law is the hunky Maxwell Caulfield from Grease 2

Thank you for not saying the Barbra Streisand version, although if she had gotten Elvis to play Norman, that would have been amazing.

I always thought of Jon Cryer as the poor man's Matthew Broderick.

But who is the definitive Catwoman? Julie Newmarket? Eartha Kitt? Lee Meriwhether? I would like a combo of the first two.

Jennifer Ehle forever!

Yeah, they get stale after a day or two. I smoke one a day before bed and usually throw at least half a pack out.

I saw guest judge Leslie Jordan do stand-up and he talked about judging the episode where Roxxy told that story. He wasn't buying that tragic tale either.

I'm going to see Pink Martini on Saturday!

I would also be on the Noperocket, with a slight exception for Hogan's Heroes role play.

That would be an unfortunate lip sync for your life.

I owe Kim an apology. I was sure she would do Margaret Cho. Her Kim Jon Ill(?) wasn't bad, and she definitely committed. I'm just glad she didn't do Pearl.