Lord Dudley

"Bannister? As in, sliding down the…?" I kind of liked Philip, despite his slowness. I kept waiting for him to pour it on during Double Jeopardy.

Hire a sex worker? Maybe talk about it?

Not Brown!?!

I was thinking it had to be one of the seven sisters. My money was on Smith.

would he want Romney to run as a 3rd party candidate? He and Bloomberg can fight it out.

"the community" is pretty varied. Take your time, don't try to fit in any mold, blah blah platitudes (but they have truth), don't judge us all by Grindr, find your tribe.

Yeah, but how many of them actually voted for McCain in the end?

But, but email! Argle bargle speeches to Wall Street. I'm only sorry Indiana's primary is so late.

There's a lot to recommend about being a boring guy with a hot husband. Good luck!

That would be amazing—"hey Porkchop!"

Someone suggested she was calling Porkchop—I would die.

It will be interesting to see who Kim does for Snatch Game. I'm pretty sure she'll go that far. Hopefully not an easy choice like Margaret Cho.

4. As long as it's not Shangela. My guess is it will be Naysha, but Katya would be awesome.

Or Little Voice, Hannah and Her Sisters, and Jaws 3.

He was in The Devil Wears Prada, except he didn't have any scenes with Meryl Streep or Emily Blunt (the best parts of the movie).

Get off my lawn!

I want five bucks.

I'm officially an old. I kept thinking "why wouldn't she cover that thing up?" Or else do a rock-a-billy look?

All About Eve has Bette Davis in her best role and George Sanders at his drollest ("Margot, darling. You were an unforgettable Peter Pan. You must play it again soon.")

My grandmother told my mother she would enjoy the show, but it was too mature to watch with "the boys" ( my brothers and I aged 20-24 at the time).