Lord Dudley

Liking in support of you—not for putting your stuff in storage.

What about the wedding of Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man? Or Carol Channing?

The Fonz (Henry Winkler) is afraid he's losing his cool.

Even All That Heaven Allows? That monster!

DVR and fast-forward through commercials and stories.

My response to that (although it rarely came since I'm a gay dude) was I'd rather regret not having kids than regret having kids.

Are you the creator of "Hi & Lois"? Because you are making me laugh.

I got the random draw last time.

I think I'll have a large order of prognosis negative!

Although Cruella deVille was based on Tallulah Bankhead…oh, I guess that counts.

If only it had resulted in a Weird Al/La Toya collaboration!

But, it's got a great beat!

Oh god! That sounds amazing.

How is Rip Taylor not the most popular person born today?

I auditioned twice and tried to display charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent but still never made it on the show.

My guess is it was President Bartlet's favorite because Stockard Channing was in a revival with Laurence Fishbourne at the time.

Yes! I saw her in The Drowsy Chaperone—one of the highlights of my theater-going life!

My guess for FJ was The Battle Hymn of the Republic—would be appropriate for a former slave owner to write.

Also, try to have an interesting answer to how you will spend the money if you win.