james, lord of devonshire

nah, guy Fawkes was set up by king James on belief of the illuminati for reasons that I don't understand.

I was playing guns of the patriots but I'm no longer able to use my PlayStation because I have a sprained wrist, so no gaming for me this weekend.


this is going to sound really bad but with my previously limited knowledge of American politics I used to mistake him for a democrat.

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! I have got to see this!

well at least I no longer misplace the majority of states by hundreds of miles anymore. I don't think I can even name some places though.

yeah, my geography is hideous when it comes to America. I just about know DC but if I were putting labels on a map, Vermont would end out in Oregon, Arizona would be in Vegas and Rhode Island wouldn't be on the map.

south of DC?
I've got that completely wrong haven't I?

I thought that Efron's career had ended! because I haven't heard anything about him since 17 again

"Klingons on the starboard bow Jim"

what's your take on the rest of the field?

just out of curiosity, would it be any better if jeb wasn't a bush? if he were a Roosevelt or a Kennedy maybe? just that I know my issues with him can be blamed on the rest of the family.