Hell, a 6,000lbs weight limit, means that many modern trucks, SUVs, and electric cars can’t use it either.
Hell, a 6,000lbs weight limit, means that many modern trucks, SUVs, and electric cars can’t use it either.
As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.
I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight knowing I was owned so much.
Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.
As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.
It’s nice to see only a $0.20/gal premium for premium, versus a $1.20/gal premium though.
Are they pirates?
I think people are good at forgetting that we tend not to have to spend our every waking hour going “am I being played” precisely because we have decent laws on the books that protect us from ourselves. For instance, I don’t have to look up and research every goddamned ingredient in every food I buy, or check that the…
Bizarre take. Do you work at a dealer or something? Presumably slinging Altimas to single moms at a 29% APR with the intention to repossess them later.
Car Dealerships around military bases are the worst. Kids with signing bonus are walking targets for these scumbags. The number of BH/PH lots around Ft. Meade filled with E-class, 5 Series and way too many Range Rovers waiting for their 3rd owner tells me they aren’t beating into the recruits about actually listening…
Make it illegal for dealerships to do much of the sh*t they do.
No dislike here. The system is absolutely set up to allow people to take advantage of financial illiterates. Car salespeople specifically are trained to distract from the total price and only talk about payments, making damn sure not to mention that those payments will continue for the better part of a decade.
I’ve spent a lot of time learning about personal finance and I’m naturally very frugal. That said, I’m less inclined than I used to be about financial-shaming people. The deck is usually stacked, there’s a power imbalance, and a car purchase is usually not a discretionary luxury purchase for most people. This comment…
How about we deal with the underinsured knobs who think “cutting up” is fun first? The size of our firetrucks is hardly cracking the the top 1000 on my list of concerns with our roadways
Seriously? It took me like 10 tries just to leave a comment because scrolling redirects me to another page, including the scrolling the site does on it’s own when I hit the reply button!
Design opinions aside, it’s the worst engineered vehicle on sale in the US today. I would trust a Fisker Ocean (no long on sale) or even a VinFast before taking a Cybertruck on the road.
Sadly buying a $100K look-at-me vehicle and then intentionally damaging by walking on it and throwing stuff at it has become “the most American” thing to do these days. I long for the days when people tried to cover up their stupidity.