

It highlights something poignant: being a member of a minority has costs, like it literally costs more in money to live somewhere tolerant. Because tolerance is desirable, like leafy trees and good schools. It costs more to deal with the anxiety you face coming from a mixed race family- more in time spent with

There is zero wrong with what she is doing. I hope she shuts that whole place down with her lawsuit. What a gross amount of incompetence to screw up this badly. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with bad business.

I'm glad this post clarifies some peoples' concerns that her complaint with the sperm bank in any way indicated that she didn't love and cherish her daughter exactly how she is. I'm glad she's suing them because it's incredibly important that people be provided with accurate information when choosing a donor whose DNA

Even though it seems like she really loves her daughter, she deserves a ton of money given the blatant malpractice.

Weird story here.

What if an interracial couple got white sperm? And had a white child when they expected mix?

Wrong again: the actual legal doctrine of wrongful birth has nothing to do with the question about whether they would have chosen to have the child if they knew what would happen. It's people like you, who read into this legal cause of action an implication that is simply not there, that will truly harm this child's

Do you seriously not think that a company that just kind of says "Whups! Wrong vial, LOL, different baby for you!" shouldn't be held accountable for that? Besides, having a mixed-race baby has a whole different set of challenges in this world than a white baby, unfortunately. And it will be doubly difficult to help

You know, I allow for emotional distress here.

People feel compelled to bend over backwards because of people like you who are so hypersensitive about not APPEARING to be racist, that they actually ignore the real, legitimate issues of race in this case. It's not about the kid's melanin levels. It's not about the parents not loving their kid as much. It's about

It's not gross - it's someone actually recognizing the cultural, political, and economic costs of having a child of mixed race, especially without the resources or frame of reference to raise that child within the culture under which she'll be judged her entire life. So yeah.

exactly, it's medical negligence. it's fucked up and they have clearly stated in interviews that they love their daughter but this is definitely a problem.

It's blatant medical malpractice because the company switched up the sperm vials. Do you really not want the company held accountable because they fucked up at their job?

Agreed. I think this is a valid concern. It would be shocking to be expecting a white child and then giving birth to a child of another race. Choosing to parent a child of another race requires a lot of soul searching and special commitment to helping that child grow up in a word where some see her as the "other".

I agree. This lady has every right to be pissed off. She's not trying to give the baby back, but they've put her in a position she didn't plan on. I would think using a sperm bank is the best way to plan your life and now she has to move, find a new job, new friends, away from any family help she might have, yeah

Shorter article

If she's suing for the funds it will take to relocate her family and keep them afloat until new jobs are found, I'll allow it. That seems like an expense that is necessary for this child's well-being that would not have been necessary but for the mixup. If she's suing for emotional distress, she can get bent.

As someone who was an adopted baby and was born to a family that I had little in common with racially, I have to say that I completely understand her feelings. Bringing a child into an environment where people are not going to deal well with their race isn't good for the child, whether or not their reasoning is sound.

So if everyone agrees that the best course of action is for her to move, why shouldn't she sue the company for putting her in that position?