It's never so hot that you can't cover your ass and stomach with a thin layer of cotton.
It's never so hot that you can't cover your ass and stomach with a thin layer of cotton.
Ugh, right? He's the WORST. I don't know what it is about him, but even his face irks me.
No problem! But just to clarify, Jost isn't replacing anyone. He's actually been the co-anchor for awhile on the show. Technically, Che is replacing Strong. Thanks!
less talented white man replaces a more talented female?
When someone points out the pot calling the kettle black, they are still both black. Schweeps wasn't defending reddit.
I forgot about that one. Jezebel actually posted pictures of a woman being raped. After being roundly criticized for victimizing the poor woman a second time they pixelated the images, but at least looking at it now I don't see any apology from them and I'm sure they didn't return or donate any of the ad money they…
What about Jezebel linking to leaked photos of Brett Favres' penis? You guys covered that story for weeks and gawker media even hosted video of his cock pictures. Apparently it's OK to titter over celebrity nudes if they're of a man.
Please research the way that Deadspin covered this, right down to the incredibly creepy and disgusting timeline in regards to Justin Verlander and Kate Upton, which timeline they used geo-data to create. Gawker does not have a leg to stand on in this one.
Probably the same thing that gawker did with the money that they made from posting nudes and links to nudes of kat dennings, scarlett johannsen, christina hendricks, vanessa hudgens, hulk hogan, etc.
Surely, Ms. Faircloth, you feel the same way about Jezebel's parent company, Gawker media.
Probably something similar to what Gawker did with the money made from Hulk Hogan's stolen video that they refused to take down.
Get over yourself, Jezebel. You're profiting as we speak. This is what we call "incidental."
Basically, it's almost amusing seeing how self-righteous and hypocritical most of these sites are being when they profit off these types of scandals on a regular basis.
Same thing Gawker Media did with the money earned from publishing the Hulk Hogan sex tape.
Jezebel made lots of money off the nudes, so did Gawker. Not to mention what Gawker made off the Hogan tape.
Before people get all huffy about going to the hospital for a migraine, intense head pain can be a symptom of stroke, even if no other 'classic' stroke symptoms are present. Maybe Kanye is being over cautious, maybe he has family history and is being suitably cautious. Either way, health worries blow for everyone.
Edited to reflect use of super-sarcastic voice: I think we can all agree that having the tape and watching the tape are two completely different things.
That being said, one of your players beat someone unconscious outside of a game setting and then proceeded to drag them around like a cat with a dead mouse. Do you real…
I used to think I was all "live and let live" but then I realized quickly in college (many moons ago) that I think its really gross when people wear their pajamas in public. And that I'm a clean freak. And that I personally value presentation highly. Clearly, a lot of society is not on board with my personal…