
This ("I could have reviewed what I wanted, but that wasn't my goal. I was in it to build audience, prove that you could monetize by owning a niche and fine tune my camera presence.) is something that makes me suspect his Chapellizing is another tactic for his admittedly non-food-related goals.

Don't worry about this one. Nut allergies are very serious and servers know this. You never know what's gone into a sauce or marinade, what kind of oil is being used, etc. It's perfectly fine to ask.

I know, right? I would have an issue based solely on that note alone. If you are douche enough to buy one of these things, be douche enough to tell me in person. On domestic flights...whatever, deal with it. On long haul flights though-fuck off my seat is coming back. We've been upgraded a few times to the premium

A guy did the same to me on a recent flight. When I tried to recline, he kicked my chair so hard that I was thrown forward - the passengers next to me looked shocked. I tried again, assuming it was a mistake, but he did it again. I asked him what he was doing and only received a guttural outburst in response. Given

I usually fall asleep during take-off (something about the jet fuel fumes, I think), before you're even allowed to recline, so it's rarely an issue for me. But if I do recline, it's only if I have an empty seat or a small child behind me. I just don't understand those people who slam the seat all the way back the

Ugh. That happened to me on my way to Hawaii, by a spouse of someone who was (of all things) a flight attendant. It wasn't my fault they got seats that didn't recline but his pushing his knees into my seat was very unhelpful. When he got up to go to the bathroom at some point I reclined it and left it down most of the

The point, though, is that even if the 2-year-old could, not relaxing her hair doesn't make her hair unkempt or inappropriate.

some evidence suggests that skin can recover somewhat if you scrupulously avoid the sun without ample protection. Nursing home patients' skin starts to look better, for ex. I have worn sunscreen daily for the past thirty years, which makes up for a lot of sunny southern playgrounds in my youth. Doctors say I look a

Semi-related: I one time sat window and my friend sat in the middle and accidentally sprayed some Dr. Pepper on me and aisle-seat stranger. There was a very tense "Um, you got this on my purse and I want you email/phone number so I can charge you if I need to replace." That was at the beginning of a 5 hour flight,

I just debuted my new long-sleeved swim shirt at the beach and it was awesome! Didn't even have to worry about getting sunscreen everywhere on my back! (Oh the things I used to do without sunscreen! What was I thinking?)

"Had to get a mole removed in my late 20s"

I would like to congratulate you. I had more than a few people guilt me over not coming back from Belize last year with a heavy tan. "Hey, ISpeakJive, weren't you at the beach?" "Yeah! I wore lots of sunscreen." "Yeah, OK." *eye roll*

I just spent 10 days on the beach and, for the first time, have almost no tan lines to show for it. It's amazing - I can't tell you how PROUD of myself I was for never burning and barely tanning. In high school, I used to lifeguard all day without a drop of sunscreen AND THEN WOULD GO TO A TANNING BED because I

I did have only lady give me the cuntface once when I leaned forward to tell her kid to stop up and downing the recline every few seconds because it kept hitting me in the legs. I did tell the attendant that time because the mother didn't stop her kid at all.

I also had a kid (like 10 years old) keep kicking my seat

Oof yeah NYC-Tokyo is quite the flight, even with a reclined seat. My butt went numb just thinking about it. My longest so far was Dulles to Madrid, in a plane with 39 of my HS classmates and 10 chaperones and oh my god we were about to lose our minds by the time we landed. Putting 40 16 year olds on an 8 hour flight

First of all, what a SMUG fucking note.

First time I've ever seen Godwin's law applied to a tub of ice cream. Which is surprising, given, you know, the internet

You wouldn't think a person could be so wrong in a list of just three flavors, but here we are.