Yep. But then this is not 12-15000 years ago. Needs have changed.
Yep. But then this is not 12-15000 years ago. Needs have changed.
Ownership of a living thing is so disgusting. Life is not something any human should have control over, except their own.
F40s and EB110s on the same track. Swoon.
You got it!
They would never.
Han really was the best.
Pigs eat literal shit and taste amazing. Bet these slime balls taste like billion dollar pork belly.
“I could buy an 8yo without a phone”
Make ships more efficient. Let us drive what we want.
I appreciate your thoughtful responses on this. I guess it gets really slippery to me when scientific or other bodies start drawing lines about who is what. It always ends in one or the other group of people being marginalized or written out of what is ‘legitimate.’
This is why I’ve distanced myself from the gaming community as I age. I makes me sick to my stomach how spoiled and entitled these nasty little fuckers are. And over what? Entertainment? I wish someone would’ve slapped me when I begged for games as a child.
That was actually my only problem with that RB. I always wondered if it could even haul that Mustang around. Should’ve TT’ed it.
Yeah, it was fun to see all the scenery. I’m sure it’s less interesting if you’re from Japan, but it’s cool to see from over here in Hicksville, USA.
I think it’s a regressive way to test for performance enhancing drugs, and we are running into the problem with it full force right now.
Yeah, sports analysts doing political analysis. What a time to be alive.
Bring those overbearing demands for loyalty to your personal relationships too?
Something only a white supremacist would say. Of course it isn’t a problem... to him, a white supremacist. For the Fox crowd, it’s a feature not a bug.
You should buy it and roll around town in it like the wolf from Droopy cartoons.
Yeah I ordered it from Cali in the early 2000s. Was $600 for the cabinet, and $400 to ship.
Yeah, agreed.