Woke up thinking about this?
Woke up thinking about this?
It’s probably already happened. Just doesn’t make the news.
Looking like you’ve been training for an octagon fight, but crying when your mother calls your full name =/= tough.
Have to take the e-diff with the performance package? Mm. Would’ve thought that would be the other way round.
Same! A hardtop GT from this era is also quite nice.
If this was still Gawker, no one would’ve batted an eye. Always remember your roots.
Oh wow I had no idea!
Hot take: Nissan is gonna go bankrupt again.
“The price for the EV sedan has not yet been announced, but the going rumor is that it will undercut the base 911 with an entry at around $90,000.”
I kind of always expect that when I see older cars. Not all of them are stunner that’s for sure lol.
Glad you’re in a better situation! :)
I’m 37 and male, and feel much the same way. Like, uncannily similar. I hope find someone nice!
Thought this very same thing. Refund entitlement because the entertainment is bad is one thing, and nobody should get a refund.
See, the problem is that you’re equating them with legitimate entertainment.
Thank you! That is so dope!
My only problem with that is that lots of other people who didn’t ask for this are going to die along with them.
handle and post match wonderfully. i’m right there with you.
Yeah but if you order a PPV and it fucks up you want your money back, even if it was a pro wrestling PPV. This is exactly the same.
Which model was it, do you know? I loved the look of the W2 and W8 so much more than the later ones.
I used to lust over pictures of them in DuPont Registry whilst riding the school bus in HS. (I’m old)