But what if the copy is better than the original (in that it’s the exact same as the original but not ancient and worn out)? Would you turn away one of the recent E-types or D-types? Or a Singer Porsche?
But what if the copy is better than the original (in that it’s the exact same as the original but not ancient and worn out)? Would you turn away one of the recent E-types or D-types? Or a Singer Porsche?
This hits so many notes for me. Condolences.
I’m glad you said it. I was thinking the same thing.
I’m quite sure he’s gonna wind up dead one way or another. We’ll just see which beans he gets to spill before that happens.
Yeah, I’m not sure who ever thought they were pacified. They’ve been the same racist blowhard shitbags my entire life.
Probably. It’ll probably be the new California once climate change has really set in.
I don’t love all SUVs but this one’s a gem.
Ever see cars from Louisiana? They don’t last.
I know how. It was an S-10 from Louisiana.
That...is a good plan.
This is also intriguing to me.
I don’t think that’s correct. Corvette M/T sale have also fallen off a cliff.
I promise you that’s exactly what they did.
The old N64 stick dust again, but worse it seems this time.
This is America, baby!
If not before!
I’m not sure how else their evil could be more transparent.
Car still looks great, even after all the reboots.
Criminally understarred, this.
Would sell that chocolate bar on eBay IMMEDIATELY.