They look like old Alpina turbines.
They look like old Alpina turbines.
Like the new S. Like the old P.
Might be hard to get it back through Japanese security/Japan frowns on guns.
The Supra is Toyota’s Thunderbird.
Thank you!
Tell me more about the game engine please. I thought they quit the Morrowind engine when they went over to the Radiant engine for Oblivion. I figured this game would be like TES Online or some such. What is this thing based on?
It’s almost like no one should be able to privately finance campaigns or be allowed to take corporate money to get elected. And that campaigns should only be funded by small donations from the actual constituents in the area being campaigned for.
More like an old dad with a sailboat.
Fat fingered that one, apologies.
Those are the marketing numbers again. They worked overtime badging that shit.
Jesus made cars without badges. Marketing puts the adverts on them.
But you get to drive a Porsche.
Does it have the magnetorheoligical suspension? (I’m sorry if it says that in the article and I missed it.)
The marketing department would like a word with you. It’s technically called “a blaze of glory.”
This is a great headline. Carry on.
A trailor.
You just wait.
This is the sad truth, of course.