I’ve often thought that being a toddler must be very similar to being drunk. All wobbly, bad decision making and occasional vomiting and incontinence.
I’ve often thought that being a toddler must be very similar to being drunk. All wobbly, bad decision making and occasional vomiting and incontinence.
I’m trying to make an analogy to the time a classmate in high school stole the biology teacher’s calculator and got caught and suspended when he attempted to sell it back to him, but I’m not finding the angle.
I’m trying to make an analogy to the time a classmate in high school stole the biology teacher’s calculator and got caught and suspended when he attempted to sell it back to him, but I’m not finding the angle.
I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.
I don’t think this article is arguing one way or the other. The takeaway that I had is the entire discussion around this matter is seen almost exclusively through the male gaze, which shapes the discussion and decisions that follow.
Just last week I fucked around and got a triple-double.
Kelly is an objectively awful person, but expressing joy that he’ll get brutally raped in prison is pretty fucking sadistic. Sexual violence in prisons, and the enabling of it, hurts way more people than just those who you deem “deserving”. And in any case, perhaps we as a society should hope that no one is ever…
So Tom Brady gets 4 games for deflating footballs, Zeke Elliott gets 6 games despite their being no proof of wrongdoing, Kareem Hunt got released from The Chiefs and an 8 game suspension for hitting a white girl, who called him and his friends niggers by the way and our good friend Ritchie gets two games despite being…
We used to do the same thing until we experienced Jeff:
You truly are a wordsmith,*squints at screen*
To expand on this a bit, despite literally no one asking for it, thinking on it more it feels like both Sweden and Canada are still good teams, but that the game itself is passing them by from a tactical perspective. It just feels like they are playing the game like it was played while the core reason for the rise of…
As expected, that game was pretty boring before Sweden managed to make that beauty of a goal. However, I found myself comparing the two teams to Norway as I was watching the game.
Bone hugs in harmony.
Everyone will happily forget if you stop trying to slip in words on the “debate” of tasteful celebrations. For the record: You jerks prefer the jerk celebrations. That’s fine. But when that is pointed out by a critical mass, the appropriate response is not “we are not jerks and you people who thought it was in poor…
Having a hard time getting worked up about this, personally. The ads on Deadspin are frequently intrusive and bad but I turn Adblock off here because God knows I love this place and I’d like y’all to keep Remembering Guys in perpetuity. There are much, much more troubling ad/partner integrations than a league partner…
The content of the draft guide is great, it also looks great and I bet it was a lot of work. People need to get paid for their work. They partner with brands for this. The end.
How do you feel about the commerce content that’s found on this site? While it is of course different in many ways from true Deadspin posts, it does seem to try to fit in with the rest of the site; it definitely doesn’t feel slapped on.